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This product is only half way

Since I started using, here are the problems I’ve faced: Quests/people/locations are extremely repetitive. Franz has a hard time breaking out of his mold to generate any new narratives (everything is a fetch quest to unlock secrets of something that doesn’t actually have any secrets from a “guardian of the …”)Franz can’t manipulate my character sheet, doesn’t manage my inventory properly, and if I ask him to show my character sheet he shows something close but . He levels me up if I directly ask him to, but doesn’t update my sheet.Memory is limited, typical GPT issue of not remembering long term significant narrative components/people. An example, I’ll negotiate a reward for 40 gold before a quest, then upon completion of the quest Franz gives me a necklace that allows me to talk to animals (but then my inventory isn’t updated and I don’t actually get the ability to talk to animals later on)Should have an iOS/android app in addition to the website.Overall the potential is here to meet the intent. For a beta, it is a good way to pass time. I wonder if the AI tech just isn’t quite there yet to deliver a solid, constantly fresh, long term comprehensive narrative. Some of these issues can be overcome by manually controlling Franz or directing him to change his response through the provided tools, but that shouldn’t be required for such a large subscription price

Jueves 6 days ago

🐛 Bug Reports

Combat issues

I'm having issues with Franz and combat. So far, he's gotten damage dice incorrect, damage type incorrect, status effects have changed from one round of combat to the next (going from the effected having disadvantage on an attack roll against the caster to the caster having advantage on their attack roll against the effect, this was with Chill Touch) He also doesn't do a good job at controlling npcs in your party during combat, going multiple rounds without them doing anything or saying a npc is poised to attack instead of just having them attack. There's also a glitch that causes a party member to take the damage they deal, I'll get a screenshot next time it happens but in the area that detects dice roll I'll do damage with an attack and that area will have a message saying I did the damage to myself and not what I attacked.

azoutes 8 days ago

🐛 Bug Reports