September 17th, 2024


Really fun update this week, we’ve overhauled the map experience and we think this is really going to improve the world building experience and in campaign immersion! Editing your worlds is faster and easier, and now you’ll have a better sense of where you are in relation to the world as you play.

Campaign Minimap

You’ll now see a mini map when you’re playing campaigns. It’ll automatically update as you move locations, and you can zoom and pan around the map to see your surroundings.

Ruler tool

One fun feature we added is the ruler tool. We know a lot of you mentioned distances and coordinates could be confusing at times, so we added a ruler tool so you can quickly see the distance between two points and estimated travel time.

Edit and Create Areas + POIs + Characters in-campaign!

You can now create, edit, and move things all over the map during your campaign. The map has replaced the World tab of the campaign screen. This should make it easier to relocate NPCs and adjust locations.

FYI - when you create a campaign, it creates a copy of the world, so editing the world in-campaign will not affect your existing world. Stay tuned as we’ll be building syncing features between worlds and campaigns in the future.

QoL Improvements

  • Made zoom much better. You can zoom into as close to a 50x50 view.

  • Made grid lines and coordinate displays smoother.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing map crashes.

  • Fixed bug where placing areas at close zooms would cause it to be at the wrong coordinate.

  • Collision aware labels and clustered objects. Items are now clustered so you can easily tell how many POIs are in a general area. As you zoom in, they will split into their individual entities.

  • Characters can now be added and displayed to the map. Adding monsters and items will be coming soon.

Other bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where invite buttons would say ‘Party Full’ when your party was filled with NPCs.

What’s Next

There’s still more to build for maps. They didn’t make it in this update, but some things we want to build in the future are

  • Hiding POIs / areas you haven’t visited yet

  • Displaying your travel path on the map

  • Non-rectangular areas

  • Roads

As for the next couple of weeks, we’ll be focusing on bug fixes and some smaller QoL updates before ramping up efforts on an overhaul of the AI behind Franz.