March 13th, 2024

Character Sheet Overhaul and more!

Hope everyone is having a good week!

  • Character sheets have been refreshed!

    • Finally updated the "Select Image" modal, we've added over 1,000 images to choose from! The images are searchable by race and class. These were all AI generated images, so you may find they are not perfect (it was not great at generating dwarves for some reason). We will continue to tune and add more images in as we go. Right now most of these images are for player characters, but we'll be adding in more basic looking images that will fit better on NPCs. Right now they are only fantasy themed images, eventually we will add other themes!

    • Added a generate with AI button. When you use this, we'll attempt to match an image from our image bank to the appearance generated.

    • We updates the code we used to build the forms, so they should now be much more accessible via keyboard and responsive

  • You can now delete your characters in the "My Characters" tab

  • Added a warning if you reload / close out of a character form (does not work on back button at the moment). This will be fixed in the future, we are waiting on a 3P update to enable that.

  • Adds NPC party members to the top bar

  • Adds larger images to the character sheet preview in the top bar

  • When Franz generates NPCs, he will automatically assign images if we have one that is close enough to the description!

What's next:

We want to keep pushing on some UX / stability things before we shift our attention to combat.

  • Update all of the forms for worlds, areas, POIs + add images for all of them

  • We're going to keep hammering away at these bug reports / feature requests

Aiming to start the combat build next week, so we're still tracking to get that done before the end of the month. Thanks for hanging in there with us everyone!